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  2. THE MEDIA LIST 8/14/94
  4. This is a listing of newspapers, magazines, TV stations and other media
  5. outlets that accept electronic submissions.  If you'd rather receive the
  6. list and updates automatically via e-mail, write to
  8.      majordomo@world.std.com
  10. Leave the "subject:" line blank.  As your message, write:
  12.      subscribe medialist
  14. A current copy of the list is also available via anonymous ftp at
  15. ftp.std.com as /customers/periodicals/Middlesex-News/medialist.
  17. NOTES ON USING THIS LIST: If you want a publication to print your letter,
  18. include your postal address and phone number for verification purposes.
  19. Also, please consider NOT using this list to send a mass mailing to every
  20. single listed media outlet. A bicycling magazine is unlikely to be
  21. interested in your thoughts on abortion, no matter how cogent they are,
  22. for example.
  24. My thanks again to all who have contributed! Comments and suggestions --
  25. and especially addresses of unlisted media organizations -- are most
  26. welcome.  Please send them to adamg@world.std.com (please note the 'g' in
  27. adamg; adam@world.std.com is a very nice person who has been graciously
  28. forwarding mis-addressed e-mail, but he is not me).
  30. NEWSFLASH!  You can now look up the Media List via World-Wide Web, thanks
  31. to the folks at USC's Entertainment Technology Center.  Point your browser
  32. at http://cwis.usc.edu/dept/etc/media/
  36. Anchorage Daily News                    74220.2560@compuserve.com
  37. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Little Rock  news@arkdg.com
  38. The Baltimore Sun
  39.      To reach reporters or comment
  40.      on the paper (NO letters to the
  41.      editor or subscription requests)   baltsun@clark.net
  42. Boston Globe
  43.      Story Ideas                        news@globe.com
  44.      Circulation Requests               circulation@globe.com
  45.      Letters to the Editor              letter@globe.com
  46.      Submissions to "Voxbox" column     voxbox@globe.com
  47.      Comments on Coverage/Ombudsman     ombud@globe.com
  48.      "Ask the Globe"                    ask@globe.com
  49.      Thursday Calendar Section          list@globe.com
  50.      Health & Science Section           howwhy@globe.com
  51.      Confidential Chat                  chat@globe.com
  52.      City Weekly Section                ciweek@globe.com
  53.      Real Estate section                lots@globe.com
  54.      Religion Editor                    religion@globe.com
  55.      Arts Editor                        arts@globe.com
  56.      "Plugged In"                       plugged@globe.com
  57. Boston Herald
  58.      Political comments                 heraldpol@delphi.com
  59.      Other op-ed comments               heraldedit@delphi.com
  60. Champaign-Urbana (Ill.) News-Gazette
  61.      Comments on local news only        gazette@prairienet.org
  62. Chicago Tribune                         tribletter@aol.com
  63. Chronicle-Telegram, Elyria, Ohio        macroncl@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
  64. The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch            crow@cd.columbus.oh.us
  65.      Letters to the editor              letters@cd.columbus.oh.us
  66. Contra Costa County Times, Calif.
  67.      Letters to the editor              cctletrs@netcom.com
  68. Corvallis (Ore.) Gazette-Times          74250.2373@compuserve.com
  69. Daily Citizen, Washington, D.C.         ben@essential.org
  70. Daily Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan           dawn@khi.imran.pk
  71.                                         editor@dawn.khi.imran.pk
  72. Des Moines Register                     dsmreg@delphi.com or
  73.                                         76247.2367@compuserve.com
  74. Flint (Mich.) Journal                   fj@flintj.com
  75. Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland                 gawyb@ikp.atm.com.pl
  76. The Guardian, U.K.                      letters@guardian.co.uk
  77.      "Notes and Queries"                nandq@guardian.co.uk
  78.      Computer Page                      computerg@guardian.co.uk
  79.      "Online"                           online@guardian.co.uk
  80. The Independent, U.K.
  81.      Computer Page                      comppage@independent.co.uk
  82. International Herald-Tribune            iht@eurokom.ie
  83. Irish Times                             computimes@irish-times.ie
  84. Jerusalem (Israel) Post                 jpost@zeus.datasrv.co.il
  85. Journal American, Bellevue, Wash.       jaedit@aol.com
  86. Journal Newspapers, D.C. area           thejournal@aol.com
  87. The Knoxville (Tenn.) News-Sentinel
  88.      Newsroom                           kns-news@use.usit.net
  89.      Letters                            kns-letters-to-editor@use.usit.net
  90. Middlesex News, Framingham, Mass.       mnews@world.std.com
  91. Minneapolis Star Tribune
  92.      Letters to the editor              opinion@startribune.com
  93.      Minnesota politics feedback, etc.  politics@startribune.com
  94. Morning Journal, Lorain, Ohio           mamjornl@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
  95. The Namibian, Windhoek, Namibia         tom@namibian.com.na
  96. Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin                norbull@aol.com
  98. The Olympian, Olympia, Wash.            olympian@halcyon.com
  99. Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ont.            ottawa-citizen@freenet.carleton.ca
  100. Peoria Journal Star, Peoria, Ill.
  101.      Letters to the Editor ONLY         xxnews@heartland.bradley.edu
  102. Philadelphia Inquirer
  103.      Editorial page                     editpage@aol.com
  104. Phoenix Gazette - NO press releases     phxgazette@aol.com
  105. Portland Oregonian                      oreeditors@aol.com
  106. Prague Post                             100120.361@compuserve.com
  107. Sacramento Bee
  108.      Letters, op-ed pieces              sacbedit@netcom.com
  109. St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times             73174.3344@compuserve.com
  110. Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City       the.editors@sltrib.com
  111. San Francisco Examiner                  sfexaminer@aol.com
  112. San Jose Mercury-News
  113.      General                            sjmercury@aol.com
  114.      Letters to the editor              letters@aol.com
  115. San Mateo (Calif.) Times                smtimes@crl.com
  116. Santa Cruz County (Calif.) Sentinel
  117.       Letters to the editor             sented@cruzio.com
  118.       News desk                         sentcity@cruzio.com
  119. Seattle Times
  120.       Op-Ed                             opinion@seatimes.com
  121.       Personal Technology               ptech@seatimes.com
  122. Springfield (Mo.) News-Leader
  123.       Letters to the editor             nleditor@ozarks.sgcl.lib.mo.us
  124.       Press releases                    nlnews@ozarks.sgcl.lib.mo.us
  125. Sun-Sentinel, Broward County, Fla.
  126.       Grapevine                         vineeditor@aol.com
  127. Die Tageszeitung, Berlin                briefe@taz.de
  128. Tallahassee Democrat                    letters@freenet.fsu.edu
  129. Toronto Sun
  130.     "Page Six"                          pagesix@aol.com
  131. Tucson (Ariz.) Citizen
  132.      Letters to the editor              tcnews@aol.com
  133. USA Today
  134.       Letters to the Editor             usatoday@clark.net
  135. Vancouver (Wash.) Columbian             vanpaper@aol.com
  136. Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg, Man.
  137.       News tips                         city_desk@freepress.mb.ca
  138.       Library                           library@freepress.mb.ca
  139.       Letters to the Editor             letters@freepress.mb.ca
  140.       Computer Columnist                pihichyn@freepress.mb.ca
  141.       Computer Editor                   minkin@freepress.mb.ca
  145. Austin (Texas) Chronicle                xephyr@bga.com
  146. Bay Windows, Boston                     baywindo@world.std.com
  147. Channel, Point Richmond, Calif          channel@calon.com
  148. CityPages, Minneapolis                  citypages@igc.apc.org.
  149. City Paper, Philadelphia                71632.57@compuserve.com
  150. City Sun, New York, N.Y.
  151.       Computer column                   sysop@f206.n278.z1.fidonet.org
  152. Eye, Toronto                            eye@io.org
  153. Hill Times, Ottawa, Ont.                ab142@freenet.carleton.ca
  154. Icon, Iowa City                         icon@igc.apc.org
  155. Los Gatos (Calif.) Weekly-Times         lgwt@livewire.com
  156. The Mirror, Montreal, Quebec            mirror@fc.babylon.montreal.qc.ca
  157. Morgenbladet, Oslo, Norway              truls@telepost.no
  158. NuCity, Albuquerque, N.M.               nucity@swcp.com
  159. Palo Alto Weekly, Palo Alto, Calif.     paweekly@netcom.com
  160. Ridgefield (Conn.) Press                71052.3315@compuserve.com
  161. The Riverfront Times, St. Louis, Mo.    rft@plink.geis.com
  162. The Stranger, Seattle                   stranger@cyberspace.com
  163. Sunday Times of London
  164.       Innovation                        innovation@delphi.com
  165. Tico Times, Costa Rica                  ttimes@huracan.cr
  166. Tucson (Ariz.) Weekly
  167.      Letters to the Editor ONLY         71632.105@compuserve.com
  168. Twin Cities Reader, Minneapolis         sari23@aol.com
  169. The Village Voice, New York, N.Y.       voice@echonyc.com
  170. Voir, Montreal                          voir@babylon.montreal.qc.ca
  171. Washington City Paper                   washcp@aol.com
  172. Weekly Mail&Guardian, Johannesburg, SA  wmail-info@wmail.misanet.org
  173. XS, Broward County, Fla.                xsmag@satelnet.org
  177. BG News, Bowling Green State U., Ohio   bgnews@andy.bgsu.edu
  178. The Bucknellian, Bucknell Univ.         bucknellian@bucknell.edu
  179. Colorado Daily, Boulder, Colo.          colorado_daily@onenet-bbs.org
  180. Cornell Daily Sun                       Cornell.Daily.Sun@cornell.edu
  181. The Daily, Univ. of Washington          daily@u.washington.edu
  182. Daily Bruin, UCLA
  183.      Viewpoint (op-ed)                  viewpoint@asucla.ucla.edu
  184. The Daily Northwestern, Evanston, Ill.  daily@merle.acns.nwu.edu
  185. Daily Pennsylvanian, Univ. of Penn.     dailypenn@a1.relay.upenn.edu
  186. Daily Texan, UT-Austin                  texan@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu
  187. The Daily Universe, Brigham Young Univ.
  188.       Op-ed submissions                 letters@byu.edu
  189. The Dialogue, Duke Univ.                mockg@mail01.adm.duke.edu
  190. Gair Rhydd, Cardiff Univ., Wales        gairrhydd@cardiff.ac.uk
  191. GW Hatchet, Geo. Washington Univ.       hatchet@gwis.circ.gwu.edu
  192. The Hustler, Vanderbilt Univ.           hustler@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu
  193. The Iowa State Daily                    daily@iastate.edu
  194. JSU Newsletter, Polytechnic Univ  of NY jsu@photon.poly.edu
  195. Kansas State Collegian, Kansas State U. rjohnso@ksu.ksu.edu
  196. Minnesota Daily, U. of Minnesota        network@edit.mndly.umn.edu.
  197. The Muse, Memorial Univ., Newfoundland  muse@morgan.ucs.mun.ca
  198. National College U. Magazine            umag@well.sf.ca.us
  199. Oxford Student, Oxford Univ.            theoxstu@black.ox.ac.uk
  200. The Peak, Univ. of Guelph, Canada       peak@uoguelph.ca
  201. Planet Communications, U. of Toronto    editor@planet.org
  202. Redbrick, Univ. of Birmingham, UK       redbrick@bham.ac.uk
  203. The Reporter, Polytechnic Univ of NY    reporter@photon.poly.edu
  204. The Sagebrush, Univ. of Nevada, Reno    sgbrush@shadow.scs.unr.edu
  205. The Sewanee Purple, Univ. of the South, purple@seraph1.sewanee.edu
  206.  Sewanee, Tenn.
  207. The Shield, Univ. of Southern Indiana   janderso.ucs@smtp.usi.edu
  208. The Student Movement, Andrews U., Mich  smeditor@andrews.edu
  209. The Tartan, Carnegie-Mellon Univ.       tartan@andrew.cmu.edu
  210. The Tech, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.
  211.       Letters to the editor             letters@the-tech.mit.edu
  212. Cavalier Daily, University of Virgnia   cavdaily@virginia.edu
  213. Washington Square News, NYU             nyuwsn@aol.com
  217. Adbusters                               adbuster@wimsey.com
  218. Advertising Age
  219.       Letters to the editor             ehbu73a@prodigy.com
  220.       Interactive Media & Marketing     ywkj04a@prodigy.com
  221. The Advocate
  222.      Letters                            letters@advocate.com
  223.      Info-server                        info@advocate.com
  224. Allure                                  alluremag@aol.com
  225. The American Prospect                   tap@world.std.com
  226. American Journalism Review
  227.      Letters to the editors/queries
  228.      (NO press releases)                editor@ajr.umd.edu
  229. The Annals of Improbable Results        air@mit.edu
  230. Arcana                                  david@hslc.org
  231. Area Magazine, Australia                pwilken@peg.apc.org
  232. BioScience                              aibs@gwuvm.gwu.edu
  233. Brown Alumni Monthly, Providence, R.I.  bam@brownvm.brown.edu
  234. Budapest Business Journal, Hungary      100263.213@compuserve.com
  235. Business Week                           bwreader@mgh.com
  236. Chronicle of Higher Education           editor@chronicle.merit.edu
  237. Canadian Treasurer, Toronto             mcdouga@ecf.utoronto.ca
  239.       Submissions for peer review       jrudy@cause.colorado.edu
  240. Clinical Data Management                anneb@delphi.com
  241. Clinical Psychiatry News, Rockville,Md. cpierce@cpcug.org
  242. Classroom Connect, Lancaster, Penn.     edit@wentworth.com
  243. Colors, Rome,  Italy                    colors.mag@agora.stm.it
  244. CM Magazine, San Francisco              cmmag@aol.com
  245. Daily Pacific Builder, San Francisco    dbuilder@aol.com
  246. Delta (Mathematics, physics, chem),     delta@plearn.edu.pl
  247.  Poland
  248. DePauw Magazine, Greencastle, Ind.      mlillich@depauw.edu
  249. Details                                 detailsmag@aol.com
  250. Earth First! Journal                    earthfirst@igc.apc.org
  251. Electric Shock Treatment, U.K.
  252.  (innovative and experimental music)   bd1@mm-croy.mottmac.co.uk
  253. Electronic Music Magazine               emeditorial@pan.com
  254. Family Practice News, Rockville, Md.    cpierce@cpcug.org
  255. Final Frontier                          72075,516@compuserve.com
  256. Flagship (play by mail)
  257.       US                                76702.1365@compuserve.com
  258.       Feedback, RPGs                    100042.400@compuserve.com
  259.       Editor, rumors                    76276.2147@compuserve.com
  260. Frank Magazine, Ottawa, Ont.            ag419@freenet.carleton.ca
  261. Focus, UK                               focus@gjofuk.demon.co.uk
  262. Focus, Munich, Germany                  100335.3131@compuserve.com
  263. Forbes                                  5096930@mcimail.com
  264. Free Times                              71632.165@compuserve.com
  265. Glamour                                 glamourmag@aol.com
  266. Go World                                ishius@ishius.com
  267. GQ                                      gqmag@aol.com
  268. Head Magazine, U.K.                     100344.1203@compuserve.com
  269. Illinois Issues, Springfield, Ill.      wojcicki@eagle.sangamon.edu.
  270. Infowar Review                          gldneaglpr@aol.com
  271. Inside Media                            mediaseven@aol.com
  272. InterFace Magazine, Victoria, BC        jedi@dataflux.bc.ca
  273. Internal Medicine News, Rockville, Md.  cpierce@cpcug.org
  274. Internazionale, Italy                   r.internazionale@agora.stm.it
  275. Interrace Magazine, Atlanta             73424.1014@compuserve.com
  276. Kurier Chemiczny (Chemical Courier),    kurier@chem.uw.edu.pl
  277.  Poland
  278. Lambda Book Report, Washington, DC      lambdabookreport@his.com
  279. Living Marxism, UK                      lm@camintl.org
  280. Mademoiselle                            mllemag@aol.com
  281. Media West, W. Vancouver, B.C.          shyba@wimsey.com
  282. Medical Laboratory Observer
  283.       Letters to the editor             editor.mlo@medtechnet.com
  284.       Tips & Technlogy                  tips.mlo@medtechnet.com
  285.       Computer Dialog                   computer.mlo@medtechnet.com
  286.       Management                        management.mlo@medtechnet.com
  287. Midwifery Today & Childbirth Education  midwifery@aol.com
  288. Mondo 2000                              mondo@well.com
  289. Mother Jones                            x@mojones.com
  290. Ms.
  291.      Letters to the editor              ms@echonyc.com
  292. Multichannel News                       higgins@dorsai.dorsai.org
  293. The Nation                              nation@igc.org
  294. New Church Life                         david@hslc.org
  295. The New Republic                        editors@tnr.com
  296. New Scientist, U.K.
  297.       U.S. bureau                       75310.1661@compuserve.com
  298.       "The Last Word"                   newsc1@stirling.ac.uk
  299. Newsweek
  300.       Letters to the editor             letters@newsweek.com
  301.      "Periscope"                       ghackett@newsweek.com
  302. NOW Magazine, Toronto                   news@now.com
  303. Oberlin Alumni Magazine                 alummag@ocvaxc.cc.oberlin.edu.
  304. Ob.Gyn. News, Rockville, Md.            cpierce@cpcug.org
  305. One Country, Baha'i International       1country@bic.org
  306. Ottawa (Ont.) Magazine                  aq060@freenet.carleton.ca
  307. Ottawa (Ont.) Business Magazine         aq060@freenet.carleton.ca
  308. OutNOW!, San Jose, Calif.               jct@netcom.com
  309. Pediatric News, Rockville, Md.          cpierce@cpcug.org
  310. Physicians's Office Laboratories (POL) Advisor
  311.       Letters to the editor             editor.pol.mlo@medtechnet.com
  312.       Problem Solver                    problem.pol.mlo@medtechnet.com
  313. Playboy                                 edit@playboy.com
  314.        Playboy Forum                    forum@playboy.com
  315.        Dear Playboy                     dearpb@playboy.com
  316. Postepy Fizyki (Advances in Physics),   postepy@fuw.edu.pl
  317.  Poland
  318. Private Eye, UK                         strobes@cix.compulink.co.uk
  319. The Progressive, Madison, Wisc.         progmag@igc.apc.org
  320. Real Goods News                         realgood@well.sf.ca.us
  321. Reason                                  70703.2152@compuserve.com
  322. Red Pepper, UK                          redpepper@gn.apc.org
  323. Rolling Stone, New York                 rollingstone@echonyc.com
  324. Running Wild Magazine, Lincoln, Mass.   runwild@world.std.com
  325. St. Charles Countian, Missouri          pacmosteve@aol.com
  326. S.F. Examiner Magazine                  sfxmag@mcimail.com
  327. Security Insider Report                 p00506@psilink.com
  328. Self                                    comments@self.com
  329. Science
  330.      General editorial inquiries        science_editors@aaas.org
  331.      Letters to the editor              science_letters@aaas.org
  332.      Manuscript reviews                 science_reviews@aaas.org
  333.      General news                       science_news@aaas.org
  334. Silueta, Santa Rosa, Calif.             silueta@wave.sci.org
  335. Skin & Allergy News, Rockville, Md.     cpierce@cpcug.org
  336. Soundprint                              soundprt@jhuvms.hcf.jhu.edu
  337. Sky & Telescope, Cambridge, Mass.       skytel@cfa.harvard.edu
  338. Southwestern Union Record               72734.1717@compuserve.com
  339. Spectrum, New York, N.Y.                n.hantman@ieee.org
  340. Der Spiegel, Germany                    100064.3164@compuserve.com
  341. Stern, Hamburg, Germany                 100125.1305@compuserve.com
  342. 3D-Magazin, Germany                     3d-magazin@stereo.stgt.sub.org
  343. Streetsound, New York                   streetsnd@aol.com
  344. Time                                    timeletter@aol.com
  345. Training Magazine, Minneapolis          trainmag@aol.com
  346. Transitions, Univ. of Southern Indiana  jwolf.ucs@smtp.usi.edu
  347. U. Magazine                             umag@well.sf.ca.us
  348. Ultramarathon Canada                    an346@freenet.carleton.ca
  349. Urb, Los Angeles                        urbmag@netcom.com
  350. USA Weekend                             usaweekend@aol.com
  351. U.S. News and World Report              71154.1006@compuserve.com
  352. Utne Reader                             editor@utnereader.com
  353. VeloNews, Boulder, Colo.                velonews@aol.com
  354. Vibe                                    vibeonline@nyo.com
  355. Vogue                                   voguemail@aol.com
  356. Washington Technology                   technews@access.digex.net
  357. West Countian, Missouri                 pacmosteve@aol.com
  358. Whole Earth Review                      wer@well.sf.ca.us
  359. Wired                                   editor@wired.com
  360. Z, Sweden                               z.mag@zine.se
  361. Zielone Brygady (Green Brigades),       zielbryg@gn.apc.org
  362.  Poland
  363. Zurnal UP, Palacky University, Czech    veselovs@risc.upol.cz
  364. Republic
  368. Associated Press
  369.       "On the Net" column ONLY          weise@well.sf.ca.us
  370.       No general messages
  371. Conus Washington/TV Direct              conus-dc@clark.net
  372. Cowles/SIMBA Media Daily                simba02@aol.com
  373. Greenwire                               greenwre@apn.com
  374. Katolicka Agencja Informacyjna, Poland  kai@ikp.atm.com.pl
  375. Media Page                              mpage@netcom.com
  376. M2 News Agency, U.K.                    satnews@cix.compulink.co.uk
  377. National Press Photographers Assn.      loundy@plink.geis.com
  378. Newsbytes                               newsbytes@genie.geis.com
  379. Telecomworldwire, U.K                   satnews@cix.compulink.co.uk
  380. World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters
  381.   Montreal, Quebec                      amarc@web.apc.org
  385. BBC World Service                       iac@bbc-ibar.demon.co.uk
  386. CBC
  387.      "All in a Day"                     allinaday.cbc@uniboard.synapse.net
  388.      "Cross-Country Check-Up"           checkup@babylon.montreal.qc.ca
  389. CBC Radio
  390.      "Brand X"                          brandx@winnipeg.cbc.ca
  391.      "Brave New Waves"                  bnw@babylon.montreal.qc.ca
  392. CBS, "Late Show with David Letterman"   lateshow@pipeline.com
  393. Channel 500                             fitv@aol.com
  394. CNN
  395.      Global News                         cnnglobal@aol.com
  396.      Prime News                         primenews@aol.com
  397. C-SPAN
  398.       Requests for coverage             cspanprogm@aol.com
  399.       Questions during live call-ins    cspanguest@aol.com
  400.       Viewer services and questions     cspanviewr@aol.com
  401. Channel 2, "Rapport," Sweden            twonews@basys.svt.se
  402. FilmNet, Europe                         70671.1624@compuserve.com
  403. Fox TV                                  foxnet@delphi.com
  404. Fox TV
  405.       "Encounters"                      74663.3011@compuserve.com
  406. Maine Public TV, "Media Watch"          greenman@maine.maine.edu
  407. Monitor Radio, Boston                   radio@csps.com
  408. Nebraska Educational TV, Lincoln, Neb.  etv@unlinfo.unl.edu
  409. Namibian Broadcasting Corporation
  410.      Head office                        marietha@nbc_hq.nbc.com.na
  411. Nexus International Broadcasting Assn., 100020.1013@compuserve.com
  412.  Milano, Italy
  413. Nat'l Alternative Network, Minneapolis  nanrev@aol.com
  414. National Public Radio
  415.       "Talk of the Nation"              totn@npr.org
  416.       "Talk of the Nation/Sci.Friday"   scifri@aol.com
  417.       "Fresh Air"                       freshair@hslc.org
  418.       "Weekend All Things Considered"   watc@clark.net
  419.       "Weekend Edition/Sunday"          wesun@clark.net
  420.       "West Coast Live"                 owner-west_coast_live@netcom.com
  421. NBC
  422.      "Dateline"                         dateline@news.nbc.com
  423.      "Late Night with Conan O'Brien"    conanshow@aol.com
  424.      Nightly News                       nightly@news.nbc.com
  425.      "Today"                            today@news.nbc.com
  426.      "TV Nation"                        tvnatn@aol.com
  427. Ohio University Public Radio            radio@ohiou.edu
  428. Ohio University Public Television       tv@ohiou.edu
  429. Polskie Radio Program I, Poland         radio1@ikp.atm.com.pl
  430. Polska Telewizja Kablowa, Poland        ptk@ikp.atm.com.pl
  431. PBS, "POV"                              povonline@aol.com
  432. "Radio Graffiti"                        alan@panix.com
  433. Public Radio International (formerly APR)
  434.       "Marketplace"                     market@usc.edu
  435. Radio Nederland                         letters@rn-hilversum.nl
  436. Rush Limbaugh Show                      70277.2502@compuserve.com
  437. Spectrum, Holmdel, N.J.                 spectrum@overleaf.com
  438. TV Ontario, "The Future"                the_future@tvo.org
  439. Voice of America/Worldnet Television
  440.       From outside the U.S.             letters@voa.gov
  441.       From within the U.S.              letters-usa@voa.gov
  442.       QSL reports, outside U.S.         qsl@voa.gov
  443.       QSL reports, inside U.S.          qsl-usa@voa.gov
  444.       Agriculture Today                 agri@voa.gov
  445.       VOA-Europe (English)              voa-europe@voa.gov
  446.        VOA-Morning Program              voa-morning@voa.gov
  450. Radio Havana, Cuba
  451.       "DXers Unlimited"                 radiohc@tinored.cu
  452. CJLB Radio News, Thunder Bay, Ont.      an80386@anon.penet.fi
  453.                                         an69041@anon.penet.fi
  454. CJOH-TV, Ottawa, Ont. Can.              ab363@freenet.carleton.ca
  455. KARK, Little Rock, Ark.                 newsfour@aol.com
  456. KGTV, ABC, San Diego                    kgtv10@aol.com
  457. KHOU-TV, Houston                        khou@neosoft.com
  458. KING-AM, Seattle                        king1090@aol.com
  459. KIRO-AM/FM, Seattle                     kiro@halcyon.com
  460. KKSF-FM and KDFC-AM/FM, San Francisco
  461.       General comments                  comments@kksf.tbo.com
  462.       News releases                     news@kksf.tbo.com
  463. KOMO-AM, Seattle                        normg@halcyon.com
  464. KOMU-TV, NBC, Columbia, Mo.             swoelfel@bigcat.missouri.edu.
  465. KOIN, Portland, Ore.                    koin06A@prodigy.com
  466. KPIX-TV, San Francisco                  kpix@aol.com
  467. KREV-FM, Minneapolis
  468.      General                            rev105@aol.com
  469.      "Moonlight Meditations"            lunarev@aol.com
  470. KRON-TV, San Francisco
  471.      Gardening segment                  garden4@aol.com
  472. KUAT-TV, PBS, Tuscon, Ariz.              comments@kuat.arizona.edu
  473. KUOW Radio, Seattle                     kuow@u.washington.edu
  474. KUSP-FM, Santa Cruz, Calif.             kusp@cruzio.com
  475. KWMU-FM, St. Louis, Mo.                 kwmu@umslva.bitnet
  476. KWTV, Oklahoma City                     tv9@aol.com
  477. KXTV-TV, Sacramento, Calif.             kxtv@netcom.com
  478. KYTV, Sprinfield, Mo.
  479.      News releases                      kytvcom@sgcl.lib.mo.us
  480.      Editorial comments                 kytvnews@sgck.lib.mo.us
  481. KZSU, Palo Alto, Calif.                 releases@kzsu.stanford.edu
  482. W58BR, Washington, DC                   jdfalk@cais.com
  483. WAGA-TV, Atlanta                        wagatv@america.net
  484. WBBM-TV, CBS, Chicago                   wbbmch2@aol.com
  485. WBFO-FM, NPR, Buffalo, N.Y.             wbfo@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu
  486. WBNQ-FM, Bloomington, Ill.              radiobn@heartland.bradley.edu
  487. WCBS-AM, CBS, New York                  news88a@prodigy.com
  488. WCVB-TV, Boston, Mass.                  wcvb@aol.com
  489. WCCO-TV, Minneapolis, Minn.             wccotv@mr.net
  490. WDCB Radio, Glen Ellyn, Ill.            scotwitt@interaccess.com
  491. WEOL-AM, Elyria, Ohio                   maweol@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu.
  492. WEOS, Geneva, N.Y.                      weos@hws.bitnet
  493. WEEK-TV, Peoria, Ill.                   xxweek@heartland.bradley.edu
  494. WFAA-TV, ABC/CNN, Dallas/Ft. Worth
  495.      "Computer Corner" only             news8@onramp.net
  496. WFIU-FM, Bloomington, Ind.
  497.      "Friday Edition"                   friday@indiana.edu
  498. WFLA-AM, Tampa                          wfla97b@prodigy.com
  499. WFMJ-TV, Youngstown, Ohio               news21a@yfn.ysu.edu
  500. WGN-TV, Chicago                         wgntv@aol.com
  501. WHDH-TV, CBS, Boston                    74201.2255@compuserve.com
  502. WHO-AM, Des Moines, Iowa                news@who-radio.com
  503. WHTZ-FM, New York                       z100radio@aol.com
  504. WICB, Ithaca, N.Y.                      wicb@aol.com
  505. WISC-TV, CBS, Madison, Wisc.            wisctv@macc.wisc.edu
  506. WISH-TV, CBS, Indianapolis, Ind.        wish08b@prodigy.com
  507. WJBC-AM, Bloomington, Ill.              radiobn@heartland.bradley.edu
  508. WKRN-TV, Nashville, Tenn.               wkrntv@edge.ercnet.com
  509. WMBR-FM, Cambridge, Mass.
  510.       Listener mail                     wmbr@athena.mit.edu
  511.       News/Political Releases           wmbr-press@media.mit.edu
  512. WNWV-FM, Elyria, Ohio                   maweol@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu.
  513. WNYC, "On the Line", New York           76020.560@compuserve.com
  514. WRCT-FM, Pittsburgh, Pa.                wrct@andrew.cmu.edu
  515. WREV-FM, Minneapolis                    See under KREV-FM
  516. WRVO-FM, Oswego, N.Y.                   wrvo@oswego.edu
  517. WSRN-AM, Cedarville, Ohio               wsrn@cedarnet.cedarville.edu
  518. WTVF-TV, Nashville, Tenn.               sysop@newschannel5.com
  519. WVII-TV, ABC, Bangor, Me.               wviitv@aol.com
  520. WVIT-TV, New Britain, Conn              wvit30a@prodigy.com
  521. WWWE-AM  Cleveland, OH                  talk11a@prodigy.com
  522. WXKS-FM, Boston                         kissfm@aol.com
  523. WXYZ-TV, ABC, Detroit                   wxyztv@aol.com
  524. WYDE-AM, "Tony Giles," Birmingham, Ala. tony.giles@the-matrix.com
  528. Axcess
  529.      General info, rants and raves      editor@axcess.com
  530.      Internet Kliff Notes               kliff@axcess.com
  531.      Submissions                        submit@axcess.com
  532. Best of Mac News, Belgium               best.of@applelink.apple.com
  533. Boardwatch, Colorado Springs, Colo.     letters@boardwatch.com
  534. CD-ROM World                            meckler@jvnc.net
  535. Communications News                     489-8359@mcimail.com
  536. Corporate Computing                     439-3854@mcimail.com
  537. Communications Networks, U.K.           75300.243@compuserve.com
  538. Communications Week                     440-7485@mcimail.com
  539. Computer Currents                       73554.3010@compuserve.com
  540. The Computer Paper, Vancouver, B.C.     72627.1732@compuserve.com
  541. Computer Shopper, U.K. only             100034.1056@compuserve.com
  542. Computer Weekly, U.K.                   comp_weekly@cix.compulink.co.uk
  543. ComputerWorld                           letters@cw.com
  544. Computing, U.K.                         computed@cix.compulink.co.uk
  545. Connect Magazine                        connect@aol.com
  546. Data Communications                     416-2157@mcimail.com
  547. Datateknik, Sweden                      datateknik@dt.etforlag.se
  548. DBMS                                    73647.2767@compuserve.com
  549. EE Times                                70212.14@compuserve.com
  550. Enterprise Systems Journal              543-3256@mcimail.com
  551. Home Office Computing                   hoc@aol.com
  552. Home PC Magazine                        homepc@aol.com
  553. IBM Internet Journal, Dallas, Tex.      76130.221@compuserve.com
  554. InfoLinja, Finland                      jlahti@infocrea.fi
  555. Information Week                        informationweek@mcimail.com
  556. Infoworld                               letters@infoworld.com
  557. Internet Business Advantage,
  558.  Lancaster, Penn.                       edit@wentworth.com
  559. The Internet Business Journal           mstrange@fonorola.net
  560. The Internet Letter                     netweek@access.digex.net
  561. The Internet Novice                     tates@access.digex.net
  562. Internet World                          meckler@jvnc.net
  563. iX, Germany                             post@ix.de
  564. Journal of C Language Translation       ljclt@iecc.com
  565. LAN Times                               538-6488@mcimail.com
  566. MACLine, Philadelphia                   macline1@aol.com
  567. MacUser                                 letters@macuser.ziff.com
  568. MacWeek                                 letters@macweek.ziff.com
  569. Macworld                                macworld@aol.com
  570. MacTech Magazine (formerly MacTutor)
  571.       Press releases                    pressreleases@xplain.com
  572.       Orders, Circ., Customer Service   custservice@xplain.com
  573.       Editorial                         editorial@xplain.com
  574.       Publisher                         publisher@xplain.com
  575.       Ad sales                          adsales@xplain.com
  576.       Programmers Challenge             progchallenge@xplain.com
  577.       Accounting                        accounting@xplain.com
  578.       Marketing                         marketing@xplain.com
  579.       General                           info@xplain.com
  580. MicroTimes                              microx@well.sf.ca.us
  581. MikroPC, Finland                        mpcmagas@mikropc.fi
  582. Multimedia World Magazine               75300.2503@compuserve.com
  583. Network Computing                       editor@nwc.com
  584. Network World                           network@world.std.com
  585.       Reader Advocacy Force             nwraf@world.std.com
  586. Online Access                           oamag@aol.com
  587. OS/2 Developer, Delray Beach, Fla.      os2mag@vnet.ibm.com
  588. PC Magazine, US                         157-9301@mcimail.com
  589. PC Magazine, UK                         tony_westbrook@hades.zis.ziff.com
  590. PC Labs, UK                             steve_browne@hades.zis.ziff.com
  591. PC Plus, UK                             pcplus@cix.compulink.co.uk
  592. PC Week                                 557-0379@mcimail.com
  593. Personal Computer World, U.K.           editorial@pcw.ccmail.compuserve.com
  594. San Diego Union-Tribune
  595.       Bi-weekly Internet section only   computerlink@sduniontrib.com
  596. Telecommunications                      311-1693@mcimail.com
  597. Toronto Computes!                       75570.2744@compuserve.com
  598. 3W Magazine: The Internet with a
  599.   Human Face                            3w@3w.com
  600. UniForum Monthly                        pubs@uniforum.org
  601. UniNews                                 pubs@uniforum.org
  602. UnixWorld
  603.      News releases/breaking news        news@uworld.com
  604.      European news   European:          euro@uworld.com
  605.      Product info                       products@uworld.com
  606.      To get a product reviewed          reviews@uworld.com
  607.      Calendar listings (4 months lead)  cal@uworld.com
  608.      Letters to the editor              letters@uworld.com
  609.      Writer information                 write@uworld.com
  610.      Tutorial information               rik@uworld.com
  611.      Wiz Grabbag                        grabbag@uworld.com
  612.      Answers to unix submissions        ans2unix@uworld.com
  613.      Subscription info                  circ@uworld.com
  614. Xephon, U.K.                            100325.3711@compuserve.com
  615. Windows Computer Shareware              5648326@mcimail.com
  616. Windows Magazine
  617.      General                            winmag@aol.com
  618.      Subscription inquiries             5849664@mcimail.com
  622. Albion Books, San Francisco             info@albion.com
  623. Berrett-Koehler Publishers              bkpub@aol.com
  624. Golden Eagle Press                      gldneaglpr@aol.com
  625. Ishi Press                              ishius@ishius.com
  626. O'Reilly & Associates                   nuts@ora.com
  627. Swedenborg Publishers International     david@hslc.org
  631. Accountants on Line                     ayfdave@aol.com
  632. Africalink, Philadelphia                sern@aol.com
  633. American Father Coalition               afc@cap.gwu.edu
  634. Amer. Soc. for Grav. & Space Biology
  635.   Bulletin and Newsletter               kcowing@clark.net
  636. Aviation Daily, Washington, DC          grahamg@mgh.com
  637. Card Systems                            satnews@cix.compulink.co.uk
  638. China Business and Economic Update      chinahand@aol.com
  639. Data Broadcasting News, U.K.            satnews@cix.compulink.co.uk
  640. Dealmakers                              Ted.Kraus@property.com
  641. Drug Policy Report                      snowcap@aol.com
  642. Ecologia, Lithuania                     root@jt.aiva.lt
  643. Electronic Marketplace Report           simba02@aol.com
  644. Electronic Information Report           simba02@aol.com
  645. Information Law Alert                   markvoor@phantom.com
  646. Infosecurity News                       2439796@mcimail.com
  647. MEMO: to the president, Amer. Assn of
  648.   State Colleges and Universities       memo@aascu.nche.edu
  649. Multimedia Business Report              simba02@aol.com
  650. NewsInc                                 simba02@aol.com
  651. New Business Watch, Sebastopol, Calf.   70307.454@compuserve.com.
  652. RACHEL'S Hazardous Waste News, Marylnd  erf@igc.apc.org
  653. Satnews                                 satnews@cix.compulink.co.uk
  654. Security Insider Report                 p00506@psilink.com
  655. The Small Business Gazette, New York    jimd34@aol.com
  656. Smart's California Insurance Bulletin   0005068090@mcimail.com
  657. Smart's Calif. Workers' Comp Bulletin   0005068090@mcimail.com
  658. Smart's National Comp & Health Bull.    0005068090@mcimail.com
  659. Society of Newspaper Design             fairbairn@plink.geis.com
  660. Spec-Com Journal                        spec-com@genie.geis.com
  661. Surveillant, Military Intelligence
  662.  Book Center, Washington, DC            70346.1166@compuserve.com
  663. Western Producer, Saskatoon             fairbairn@plink.geis.com